【書摘】《寶貝你的學生》(Teacher Therapy)


文/Karen Katafiasz

圖/R. W. Alley




1.      記住那些帶給你美好生命影響的老師。他們是如何做到的?他們如何給予你你的需求?效法他們。

Remember those teachers who influenced your life for the good. What did thy do? How did they give you what you needed? Follow their example.

2.      熱愛你所教授的主題;興奮是會感染的。

Be passionate about the subject matter that you teach. Excitement is contagious.

3.      善於組織才能增加你的效率,讓你的一天井然有序。如果你要把工作帶回家,可得好好想清楚。你需要休息來保持朝氣,避免垮台。

Use good organization to increase your effectiveness and give your day structure. If you take work home, make a conscious decision to do so. You need time off to stay fresh and avoid burnout.

4.      在教室裡,你擁有很大的權力—營造課室氣氛的權力,讓孩子在教室裡悲慘或喜樂的權力。運用你的權力創造好的結果。

You have a great deal of power in the classroom—power to set the tone, power to make a child’s time there miserable or joyful. Use your power for good.

5.      教導你的學生:他大可以犯錯。錯誤不會令人蒙羞,而是學習得更好、做得更好的機會。

Teach your students that it’s all right to make mistakes. Mistakes aren’t reasons for shame but chances to learn and do better.

6.      每一天,你都有機會打開學生的世界,給予他們改變人生的知識與經驗。把握這些機會。

Each day, you have the opportunity to offer your students the world, to give them life-changing knowledge and experiences. Relish the possibilities.

7.      維持知性的發展。不斷學習,追求自己的興趣。你的生活將因而拓展、充滿活力,而且你會擁有新的面貌與學生分享。

Take care of yourself mentally. Keep learning; follow your own interests. This will enhance and energize your life and give you new dimensions to share with your students.

8.      記住你的學生仍在學習與發展。對於成長中的心智與性靈要有耐心。

Remember that your students are still learning and developing. Be patient with growing minds and spirits.

9.      要知道:當你穩如泰山時,你才可以處理孩子的不安;當你輕鬆自如時,你才能安撫孩子的恐懼。好好照顧自己就是幫助學生。

Realize that when you’re secure, you can deal with a child’s insecurity; when you’re at ease, you can reassure a child’s fear. Taking care of yourself helps your students.

10.  珍惜每個學生的獨特性,那是上蒼豐富又多元的創造的一部份。肯定所有孩子的獨特性,他們有各式各樣的天賦和文化背景。

Cherish each student’s uniqueness as part of the rich diversity of God’s creation. Affirm all children’s uniqueness, their varied talents, their different cultural backgrounds.