【閱讀隨手記】《希望:珍古德自傳》(Reason for Hope: A Spiritual Journey)


作者:Jane Goodall Phillip Berman




     珍古德(Jane Goodall),從事黑猩猩研究,一生在世界各地推廣保育觀念,是一位我十分崇拜、景仰的女性。她對待動物的那份溫柔慈悲心,著實令人感動。以下和大家分享她在這本心靈自傳裡頭,寫下的其中三段文字。台灣出版的中譯本並無中英對照,你在下面讀到的英文內容,是因為我看了中譯本後實在喜歡,又欲罷不能地到圖書館尋找英文原著來閱讀當中幾個喜愛的段落,並隨手以電腦打字記下的。希望你會喜歡我的分享。


I ended with one of Albert Schweitzer’s moving prayers: “For animals that are over worked, underfed, and cruelly treated; for all wistful creatures in captivity that beat their wings against bars; for any that are hunted or lost or deserted or frightened or hungry; for all that must be put to death…and for those who deal with them we ask a heart of compassion and gentle hands and kindly words.”




We were by no means a wealthy family, but money was not important.  It didn’t matter that we couldn’t afford a car, or even a bicycle, or expensive holidays abroad—we had enough to eat, some clothes to wear, and an abundance of love, laughter, and fun.  Indeed, mine was the very best kind of childhood: because every penny mattered, everything that was extra such as an ice cream, a journey on a train, a cinema, was a treat, exciting, to be treasured and remembered.  If only everyone could be blessed with such a childhood, such a family.  How different, I believe, the world would be.




I lay flat on my back and looked up into the darkening sky.  How sad it would be, I thought, if we humans ultimately were to lose all sense of mystery, all sense of awe.  If our left brains were utterly to dominate the right so that logic and reason triumphed over intuition and alienated us absolutely from our innermost being, from our hearts, our souls.  I watched as, one by one, the stars appeared, the brightest first and then, as the sun’s light faded, more and more until the sky was studded with brilliant, flashing points of light.  Albert Einstein, undeniably one of the greatest scientists and thinkers of our time, had sustained a mystical outlook on life that was, he said, constantly renewed from the wonder and humility that filled him when he gazed at the stars.



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